Hyperice Education

Hyperice believe the quality of life is intimately connected to movement. Whether you’re an elite athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or seeking a healthier lifestyle, the way you move determines the way you feel. View recent courses from Hyperice


SMR + Vibration

This CIMPSA endorsed course for warm up and recovery: Written by Dr. Mike Clark, Founder of NASM OPT, DPT for NBA, NFL and MLB + Tony Ambler-Wright, NASM Master Instructor, CSCS, LMT, Senior Lecturer for University of Pennsylvania (Cal U) in Exercise Science and Health Promotion.

VIew course


Hypervolt Movement

Enhancement course written by Lenny Parracino, Soft Tissue Therapist for the LA Clippers and Grey Institute Faculty Member, Certified FRC Practitioner.

VIew course