Your Gym Sports Performance

Your Gym Sports Performance are proud to be working in partnership with Your Academy, introducing likeminded coaches with a shared passion for performance training to the fascinating fields of strength and conditioning and sports science.  


YGSP Foundation strength & conditioning

The Your Gym Sports Performance S&C Foundational course introduces practitioners to the fundamental key principles that underpin the strength and conditioning process, whilst preparing coaches for future enrolment on our flagship Level 4 Strength and Conditioning educational pathway. This unique online learning experience outlines the key objectives of a strength and conditioning coach, the multi-disciplinary team, and the overall performance training and injury prevention process. Furthermore, practitioners are introduced to vital theoretical concepts including the force – velocity – power relationship, bioenergetics, motor learning models, and much more.

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A-Z of Program Design Squat Performance

The squat exercise is a fundamental lift within strength and conditioning and performance training, improving an athletes ability to generate greater ground reaction forces and to produce higher torque magnitudes at the ankle, knee and hip, all of which contribute significantly to acceleration, maximal sprint, vertical jump performance and more. However, the performance of a squat and all its variants requires optimal ankle, knee and hip mobility, trunk stabilisation and strength, lumbopelvic control, and potential technique modifications depending on individual biomechanics.

Therefore, the aim of this short course is provide performance coaches with a greater understanding of the squat mechanics, including potential mobility restrictions and stability limitations, individual anthropometrics which may affect squat performance, and training strategies which can be implemented to squat movement quality. 

Furthermore, squat periodisation and how to improve squat strength performance is also explored, providing detail on linear vs undulating squat periodisation, block periodisation, accentuated eccentric training, cluster training, squat variants, squat assistance exercises and overall program structure.  

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